Inspire My Business Podcast: Innovation Through A Crisis

Reported by Inspire My Business 

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Sirron Holdings Group is based in Caves Beach, just south of Newcastle in NSW. At their heart, they are a manufacturer of quality commercial dishwashing machines. Through their hospitality companies (Norris Industries, Zexa Chemical Solutions, Butler Equipment and Mahatmacane Finance), they have expanded services to support the additional kitchen needs of their customers. A core principle of Sirron Holdings is the balance between ethical, environmental and economic outcomes.
With Covid-19, Greg pivoted from manufacturing dishwashing machines to manufacturing hand sanitiser, and says it came down to thinking quick and utilising his contacts to pivot the business within days.
We speak about company culture and hiring the right people with the right attitudes which particularly comes in handy in times of hardship, and also how this crisis could mean a resurgence for the demand of Australian manufacturing.
Key episode highlights include:
  • In the workplace, surround yourself with people who are better than you. Then get out of their way so they can do what they’re paid to do.
  • Our whole focus used to be on efficiency but now the focus is resilience.
  • If you’re thinking of pivoting, move quick, follow your instinct and get your staff on board through frequent communication.

Listen to the podcast here.